Sunday, July 20, 2008

I did that all by myself...

Last night as I was tucking our 9-year old, Mr. Cool, into bed, he told me a funny story which prompted a sweet conversation.

He had spent most of the day at a friend's house, where the babysitter had asked the older boys for some help cleaning their little brother's room. (I can tell MC secretly longs for a younger brother, because he tells me stories about this 2-year-old's antics, complete with pauses and voice inflections, nearly every day.) So today Mr. Cool told me he made Matthew's bed for him. When Matthew came into the room, MC said, "Maffers, look at your bed," and Matthew said, "Yeah. I did that." MC said, "I made your bed for you, Maffers." To which the 3-year-old insisted again, "No, I did it." MC, astonishingly lacking in stubbornness, said, "Okay, you did it, but I helped you." and Matthew agreed. I could tell that MC thought this was trés amusing.

I told him it reminded me of the time his older sister (then six) wanted to make dinner for the family. I found her a recipe, got out all of the ingredients and pre-measured each one and set it next to the pot on the stove. Then I heated up the stove, and stood by her, instructing her when to add which ingredient, and when to stir. When the dinner was ready, I announced to the family, "Princess Peach made dinner tonight," to which she added, "Yeah, and with NO HELP at all." That made me smile inside, knowing how much preparation I put into her experience, assuring that she could not fail. Yet she was convinced she did it all on her own.

MC laughed at that little story, and saw the likeness to his own. Then I asked him if maybe that's how Heavenly Father feels when He helps us, but we don't even realize it, or forget to give Him the credit. We love to think we do everything ourselves. But He's standing up there watching, maybe smiling a little, and shaking His head thinking, "Dude, I totally set that up for you." I could see the little light go on in MC's head, and he smiled. Looks like today he knows God just a little bit better than he did before.


Brillig said...

Wow. MC learned a lesson that I'm still having a pretty hard time remembering. I do tend to take a bit more than my fair share of the credit...

What a perfect way to teach him such a fantastic lesson!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Are you the most awesome mom in the world or what?! Or, at least at that specific moment. What a great way to teach him such a profound lesson!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love that kid. He has a real brightness to him that you just can't miss. Must have good parents!

Cari Banning said...

Do you think Heavenly Father says "Dude"? Do *you* say "dude"? Does your 9-year-old son let you get away with that?

Am I in trouble yet? :)

Melanie Jacobson said...

Dude! We once had an epiphany with a lost guinea pig and a humble prayer. My kid's excitement over the return of Snow White Snowball Curious Cotton Candy couldn't touch my happiness that he understood about answered prayers.

charrette said...

Brillig, Yeah I struggle with that sometimes too. (More often than I even like to admit to MYSELF.) We're starting early with this one.

Kimberly, it's all about these isolate moments of perfection, because the long stretches in between often feel like pure train wreck!

Kazzy, Your kids are the same way! Bright, with a great sense of humor. And the way they converse so comfortably with adults.Impressive.

Cari, I knew that would get a rise out of *specifically* you.
No, He probably doesn't say Dude. Except that He communicates with all of His children on _their level_. And _that_ communicated to my little dude. :)

You're so not in trouble.

Melanie J, Hear, hear! That's the real magic, right there.

Anonymous said...

Those are great vignettes. The analogy to our failing to give the Lord credit when due is a wonderful therapy toward PRIDE. If we really got all the success we desire (and obviously DESERVE) it would be so natural to think how great we have become. I can worry about that if I give it a chance.

Dedee said...

What a great moment. I love those moments in parenting, when you think, "Hey, I got it right this once." Or maybe, considering the topic of conversation, "God helped me do it right this time."

Thanks for sharing and reminding me that I could use a little more gratitude in my life to my Heavenly Father.

Anonymous said...

How great is that! I can totally picture that! We are so lucky to witness these prize experiences with our children.

Dolly said...

That was so way cool to read-I could totally relate to the whole post! I'd like to link your post to "my Glen Beck" video. It's such a powerful thought-that Heavenly Father is one step ahead of us!

Anonymous said...

Seriously; you have touched me so much through your writing. Thank you!