Saturday, October 4, 2008

SOS Withdrawals: A Celestial Room With a View

My first attempt in bloglandia was a Soap Opera Sunday post. My friend Brillig had been encouraging me to blog...and the idea of posting a hilarious old boyfriend/dating story was too tempting to pass up. I put up one other post around the same time (just so I wouldn't have one lonely post up if anyone ventured over to read) and what resulted was astonishing. Some of my best friends in the blogosphere (most of whom were complete strangers at the time) (Brillig, Kimberly, Novembrance, Kateastrophe) showed up to comment on those two posts and have been coming back ever since.

So, it's Saturday, and the theme is brilliant: Long-distance Relationships. I've had more than my fair share of these! But I noticed no one's volunteered to host yet. There are no linkies. And I've been having such a ball with SOS lately (thank you everyone for joining me on some of these wild rides!) that I want to play again. Now. So for today, I'm re-posting that very first SOS post (which also happens to be about a double long-distance romance). Enjoy!

About a year after I broke up with Jack, (who it turns out was using me as his friend, confidante, and love interest during the week while making out with some other vixen on the weekends – a whole other soap opera story) his eccentric aunt called and wanted to line me up with someone. Weird, but I was open to it. The guy was from New York, which sounded exciting enough. Turns out he was the caretaker of someone else’s fabulous estate. So I went out with this guy when he was in town one weekend, and he was perfectly good-looking with impeccable manners and treated me great – spoiled me, in fact. Sounds wonderful, I know. So where’s the soap, you ask?

Well, he was also WAY older than I was. I don’t know how much for sure, but I was 23 or so and I think he must have been at least 30. Probably well on his way to 40. Besides the fact that this guy literally lived in a fantasy world, his age and his inexplicable into-me-ness scared me. Besides, he was a teensy-weensy bit straight-laced and, dare I say, boring? :) We’re totally talking Cecil, from A Room With A View. Well, thankfully he was on his way back to New York so Lucy Honeychurch here really didn’t have to worry about a thing. Or did I?

A couple of days later he called me from New York. It was flattering, but we didn’t really have anything to talk about. A day or so later he sent a dozen red roses. The next day he called me again. And on it went...lots of long-distance calls with not much to chat about. The roses were barely wilting and along came more gifts. And the next thing I know he’s made airline reservations for another trip out to visit.

“I guarantee you he’s coming out here with a ring,” says my ever-wise mother.

Holy cow! I started praying he’d find someone else. Literally.

I was involved in another long-distance romance at the same time. I was being written to, phone called, and successfully wooed by this other (younger, funnier) guy, named Jeff, from the opposite coast (California, to be exact). And Jeff, with whom I was rapidly falling head-over-heels, was planning to be in town the same weekend as Cecil. I had visions of one of those crazy Ginger Grant / Eva Grubb “Gilligan’s Island” episodes where I’d be frantically scurrying back and forth carrying on with two guys at the exact same time and trying to keep them on opposite sides of the island. But then it occurred to me that I could schedule things in advance and avoid all that awkwardness. So I booked most of the weekend with Jeff and saved a Tuesday night for Cecil. (Not proud of this...but better not to lead him on, right?)

So Cecil gets into town and calls to find out when I’m available, and I tell him Friday and Saturday are completely booked, and I had a deadline for work on Monday, but I’d love to see him on Tuesday. Well the weekend came and went and I had the time of my life with Jeff. Then Tuesday rolled around...and no Cecil. He stood me up! I totally did not get it. My heart was not remotely broken, I just didn’t understand how this guy could be so obviously smitten...calling me non-stop and sending me flowers and trinkets and long wordy letters...and then just disappear.

But it all came to light a few weeks later when I got a letter in the mail from Cecil. He explained (in his perfect longhand) that he figured if he flew all the way out to see me and I couldn’t make any time for him until Tuesday there was something wrong. (duh) So Tuesday morning he went to the temple, and there waiting in the celestial room after the session was the girl of his dreams. They met and talked – and he asked her to marry him right then and there! He even slipped a ring on her finger. A ring that likely was intended for me.

Man! That was a close one! But what can I say – my prayers were answered. And so were his. (And 20 years later, I continue to be head-over-heels in love with Jeff.) :)

. . . . . . . . . .
Note: After I posted this, Brillig announced that 2 Hearts has offered to host. So head on over there for the rest of the linkies. Mwah!


Anonymous said...

*whew* crisis averted! Loved this SOS post! :)

Heather of the EO said...

Maybe you should host? :)

Great story. I hopped on the Divergent Pathways Train after this was written, so it was new to me.

Good thing he had that ring all ready to go! And you were OUT of the picture...whew!

Melanie Jacobson said...

OMGness, Cecil was scary. Like, maybe Miss Havisham was his long lost Grandma scary. You dodged a 14K gold bullet, lady.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I don't know this Cecil character, but I think you made the right choice in booking up that weekend with Jeff. Great decision and great couple!

Becky said...

I'm crazy curious to know what the dealio is with the girl who agreed to marry a guy she'd known for twenty minutes. I mean, I've heard of love at first sight, but that's a little, um, extreme, yeah?

Krista said...

that was a close one! Good thing he figured it out for you! ;)
Thanks for playing along this week!

Melissa said...

Holy Cow. And yes, capital "Cow." Those Cecil types are scary. I dated (briefly, very briefly) a couple myself. Thank goodness I did not end up with one of them.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

This Cecil ---what a Fuuurrreak!!!!! Thank goodness he took the hint and proposed to someone else. I'm curious what happened to that relationship. I'm glad you reposted. I've been a faithful SOS reader so I hope someone keeps it going.

Jessica Stock said...

this is hilarious. I'm glad he got the hint! . . . can you imagine the poor girl sitting in church and suddenly a guy shows up with a ring!

LisAway said...

Wow! It's so strange how each person in a relationship can have such a different view of that relationship! He thought you'd marry him?

I feel a tiny bit bad for him, although it ended well for him, but the story might be uglier if you'd met with him at the beginning of the weekend and had him stalking you after your refusal! Plus, then he might not have found his EC in the celestial room!

Dedee said...

That. was. awesome. Right down to the fact that he gave your ring to another girl in the Celestial room of all places.

And I thought my sister had weird stories to tell . . . I really need to get back on the sos thing.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Amazing story. I'm dyin' to know how the marriage of Cecil and Miss Celestian Room turned out. Can you imagine that girl saying yes? Unbelievable.

Brillig said...

I LOVE that you reposted this, since it's awesomeness incarnate. hahaha. How very astute of Cecil to figure out that you just weren't into him! I cannot BELIEVE that he met some chick in the celestial room and gave him the ring, though. INCREDIBLE!!! Sigh. I love it.

Stephanie said...

First time stumble onto your blog. What a fun story. I had to laugh because I can't count the number of times I played that "I'm too wimpy to tell you I'm not into you, so I'll just pretend like I'm really busy" game. Apparently cecil's view of marriage worthy was anyone who would talk back to him and liked the temple. :) So glad it worked out for the best.