Monday, January 26, 2009

Virtual Vacation: Languishing in Laguna

Luisa (of Novembrance fame) tagged me for another meme. This one is quite different from most I've seen. You're supposed to post the 6th photo from your 6th folder (in i-photo, I assume) and this is mine.

Here is my daughter, The Princess, lounging on a chair overlooking the ocean at a dear friend's beach house in Laguna. We were there during the first week of January, when everyone's sick of the cold and the snow and the inversion layer, and Laguna is at its loveliest. The beach house was a haven of serenity, with unbelievable private views of the cliffs and the ocean. It was a wonderful time to steal away, both for a mother-daughter retreat, a get-together with friends who feel more like family, and a chance to paint. I offer you this scene, now, in the same spirit of warmth and escape.

In fact, I already did a painting of this exact scene (sans all the houses on the hill):

Feel free to hang out here for a few minutes and catch some warmer rays...
while I tag Kazzy. And Melanie J. And That Girl From Brazil.
And, really, anyone else who wants to link up. Because this one is random and fun.


Luisa Perkins said...

Oh. How. Lovely. I had no idea the extent of your talent. Thank you!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I love that painting of the Princess. I am so envious. I would love a warm weather vacay about now! And now to decide which computer to pull my photo from...

Heidi said...

It totally makes me think of San Diego in spring when all the purple ice plant is in bloom everywhere . . . How wonderful that you were able to get a warm trip somewhere!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

I feel warm and shivery at the same time now. My office is FREEZING!

Kristina P. said...

That painting is gorgeous!!

That Girl said...

Whoo-hoo! One tag comin' right up. Later.

And can I please be like you? Or at least can you paint me pictures all day, every day for the rest of your life? It's not like I'm asking much ...

Melanie Jacobson said...

What a gorgeous painting. I love Laguna. I'm writing a scene in my manuscript that's set there right now. Just the scene, not the book.

And I do believe this is the first time I've ever been tagged for a meme. Cool!

Heather of the EO said...

Beautiful! Your talent amazes me.

LisAway said...

Oh! I'm so glad that that this is the picture you had to post! I loved that painting (I recently went through and showed my husband all of the paintings I could find that you had posted and this one was among them) an it's really neat to see the picture that it is taken from. (I like the painting quite a lot more than the photo, BTW. :)

Debbie said...

Oh my. I wasn't prepared for your painting. Fabulous! I love it.

Dedee said...

I love looking at your paintings. I want to come visit again. . .

Laguna sounds lovely right now.

Mrs4444 said...

How long did it take you to paint that? It's beautiful.