Monday, March 23, 2009

Out of all the people in the world, why us?

We were in the midst of yet another family crisis, and I was delivering the younger children to a friend's house so I could go home and deal with the aftermath. I tried to explain, as calmly and gently as possible, why I was dropping them off at a friend's house instead of heading home for Sunday dinner, and our nine-year-old spouted off this classic: "Out of all the people in the world, why us?"

Nobody wants to feel singled out in a crisis. We grapple to make sense of it all: Where did we go wrong? What did we do (or not do) to deserve this? I wanted to pat his little head and say, I know, baby. I'm feeling pretty dumped on right now too. It would have been easy to start wallowing in a pity party about why we don't deserve some of the tough stuff we'd been recently dealt. I turned his question over and over again in my mind as I turned the corner to our friend's house.

Then suddenly, on the way home, I turned it completely around. I realized that the same question could apply to how extraordinarily blessed we are: "Out of all the people in the world, why us?" Why, out of so many more deserving souls, have we been singled out for so many tender mercies and miracles? I created a mental checklist of blessing after blessing, and suddenly felt more cared for than dumped on. Blessings, large and small, ongoing and surprisingly sudden, abound in our lives: The right people in the right place at the right time, all the time. People suddenly inspired, out of the blue, to check in with us. Access to resources we never would have considered. And those are just the obvious ones. But in some ways even huger are the less-obvious ones: Health. Strength. Healing. Guidance. Inspiration. Peace.

Thank you, dear ones, for your emails, comments, and prayers this past week.


Jessica Stock said...

Funny, I was just praying this question tonight. Thanks for turning it around for me, you're so right. Praying for you my friend . . .

Heidi said...

I wish I knew so I could have been praying and sending nice emails instead of sending demanding ones. feeling bad . ..

Stephanie said...

You're a good soul to turn your thoughts that way. Your post immediately reminded me of Elder Wirthlin's most recent conference talk. (Congratulations, your conclusions are in line with an apostles'!) :) Among lots of other great things, he said:

"You may feel singled out when adversity enters your life. You shake your head and wonder, “Why me?”

But the dial on the wheel of sorrow eventually points to each of us. At one time or another, everyone must experience sorrow. No one is exempt. ... Sometimes the very moments that seem to overcome us with suffering are those that will ultimately suffer us to overcome."

Melanie Jacobson said...

I've been wondering where you were and I'm sorry to know things have been rough. I hope you keep experiencing those tender mercies. I will include you in my prayers and send a big hug your way.

Luisa Perkins said...

Hugs and prayers to you, my friend. It's great when you can turn perspective around like that.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about your recent struggles. My prayers and love are sent your way. You've been missed in blogland but take care of you and yours.
All my best,

Heather of the EO said...

I've been missing you. Just this morning I told myself my goal for today was to email you. I'm so glad you posted this. You've got such an amazing heart and spirit. I'm still going to email you....

You are loved,

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh honey, you have been so much in my thoughts and prayers this past week and this is some insight into why. ~hugs~ Love you.

LisAway said...

You are amazing. You deserve every blessing, and trials are only to make you better, which seems impossible.

I love the quote Stephanie shared. So true. And lovely.

Praying for you!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am sorry it has been so hard. We love you guys and are here if you need anything.

I think about Elder Maxwell posing the same question with a different twist concerning his cancer. Why NOT me?

You are an example. I will call soon.

Brillig said...

Yeah, see, I stink at turning that question around. But of COURSE you do! You made a blessings checklist? With all the drama in your life right now, I have NO IDEA how you're able to think clearly enough to do this. No one would begrudge you a bit of wallowing right now. This is just another example of how you're amazing, even in the middle of a storm.

Missing you like crazy...

Dedee said...

You are loved! Can't wait to see you on Friday!

Mrs4444 said...

So glad you're keeping a good perspective. Love you. Will keep the prayers coming...

Little GrumpyAngel said...

I don't know exactly what you are going through, and where you are at this point. But I sincerely hope the crisis you posted about has been averted and that you are in a good place right now.

My prayerful thoughts are with you.