Saturday, October 17, 2009

I need a search engine for my house.

Tonight I was looking for a book. Amid the 118-or-so (yeah, I actually counted them) that are stacked on and around my nightstand. I peered over dusty piles, reluctant to take them apart, just kind of glancing at them askew, and maybe tilting them slightly to reveal their spines, for effect. And suddenly I thought, Can't I just enter the title somewhere, and have the book I'm searching for magically appear on the top of the stack? Google. I need google for my overrun book collection. Now.

And then there are those elusive car keys. Yeah, and the cell phone. Couldn't I just enter "keys" and "phone" when I'm ready to leave, and have Yahoo! make these essential items resurface from wherever I absent-mindedly set the time I get to the back door?

Last night I was up until 2 am ransacking my office (you cannot even imagine the towers of paper I dismantled, sheet by sheet) looking for the new phone card I bought to send to Josh. I spent untold hours searching for a card-with-a-code I bought for $15. Something is very wrong with this system. I needed to be able to enter "phone card" or "code" and have it magically appear so I could email the code to our son. The computer has me so spoiled.

So this morning as I was pondering my need for googling things around the house (sock mate, anyone?) it occurred to me that what I really need (on top of all the computer-generated efficiency for my home) is a search engine for my heart. Wouldn't it be great if we could summon up Patience and Sacrifice and Forgiveness at the precise moment we need them? Separate them out from all the millions of other things—some more applicable than others—that are swimming around inside us, and bring the Top Hit to the surface.

Screaming kid? Sulking teen? Husband running late? P-a-t-i-e-n-c-e (click!) Mercy would be there, too...m-e-r-c-y (click!) and I know that Charity is somewhere in here...I just can't put my finger on it right now. I need a search engine to bring it to the top, highlight it, give me a link.

I'm sure that in quieter moments, the Spirit does precisely that. Works on my heart. Enters key words. Sorts by relevance. Brings clarity. But only when I provide the space. I need to slow down and really search. From a single Source.

Proverbs 20:27 The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts...

Psalms 77: 6 I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search.


Anonymous said...

As always, you have the words for the answers I need to questions of my heart. I wish I could google patience, charity, and mercy. Luckily, I can find all of these here at your blog. Love is in abundance here. I never want to leave.

Cari Banning said...

Oh, this is a good one.

Kristina P. said...

I will take two, please.

Unknown said...

I absolutely adore you.

No matter what I lose, I think I should be able to call it, like I do when I can't find my cell phone. What's the number for my institute manual? Oh, wait...

And a search engine for the heart? What a beautiful concept. My feeling is that charity IS the search engine that brings up all of those essential qualities.

Luisa Perkins said...

You are a genius.

Jennifer said...

I agree with Cari...this is a very good one.

InkMom said...

Like the clapper, for virtues.

You are a sage.

Melanie Jacobson said...

I think what I need is Lojack for my patience because that's what keeps disappearing.

I love the concept here. Mostly I just love you.

Heather said...

Wonderful! I started out lughing, and ended up in tears. Great thoughts and scriptures! Thank you so so much for sharing!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Love, love, love!

And I think I have a cool concept in mind now to introduce into a future sci-fi novel...

Lara Neves said...

I loved reading this. First you had me totally agreeing with you about losing everything (because I do), and then you had me being all introspective. Soul searching, I guess.


Barbaloot said...

Love the scriptures you posted! And can I please have a search for sock mate?

breckster said...

I need one for both, but especially the heart. Let's face it, It would take as long to rule out the bad links, as it would to search a new york apartment top to bottom.

Karen Mello Burton said...

And I would punch in TIME! Great ideas!

Jenny P. said...

I think sometimes it's so easy to call upon those feelings... when you're sitting in a meeting and feeling the spirit particularly well, and it seems you could be merciful and loving and charitable to any and everyone. And yet, when we need those sentiments the most, they are lost and buried somewhere beneath the clutter of our busy lives. Worse yet, they are smoldering somewhere under the much easier to recall emotions of bitterness, resentment, or pride.

Oh, to be able to call upon them at a moments notice and thrust them to the surface of our hearts! But you're right... that's the kicker. We really CAN pull them to the surface, and keep them there permanently. We've been given the means to do so. We just have to do it. It's my new goal. :)

Susan Berlien said...

You are so right! A search engine at home would be so helpful! Ha! I'm new to your blog. I saw you won one of scribbits competitions. congratulations! I entered her latest contest. First one I've entered. :) Wish me luck!

Unknown said...

Oh , this was good.
I'd like that . My husband loses things more than I do, but I need instant real time save me from myself patience mercy and charity. Yesterday the neighbours behind us were fighting very publically ( not the first time) and it took so much will power not to do something you know. They have no consideration for others.
Ouch. Or maybe I don't.
Absolutely need a Higher power sometimes

Heather of the EO said...

"my spirit made diligent search"

WOW. Yes. Just like google.

I love how you think, lady.

Mrs4444 said...

Brilliant. I would love to have a delete button! :)

Giving you the Lovely Blog Award tomorrow (no strings attached at ALL). You are lovely, too. Just wish I could get here more often :(

Brillig said...

Okay. You realize that you just wrote a beautiful, insightful, awesome post... about Search Engines.

You're so cool.

Love this post.

An Ordinary Mom said...

You are beyond brilliant. This is seriously one of the best posts. Ever.

LisAway said...

Wrap up what everyone else said and that's what I say.

I think my problem is that I enter the wrong search. It's usually something like: "Patience, even though I told her to do it A THOUSAND TIMES" or something like that. I have to let go of what's keeping me from having those virtues and focus on just having them! Not on what's causing the need. "Charity, because my husband totally doesn't give me credit for. . . " etc. etc.

Because, really, every good search starts with entering the right words.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Great scriptures to adorn your beautiful commentary...add a dash of humor and wala'...terrific blog.

I just popped over from Mrs4444's to check ya'll out and am so glad I did.

Here's wishin' you the best day from the hills and hollers of the Ozarks!!!

Heidi said...

This is so much more fun and sweet and meaningful when one has had the chance to meet you in person. I'm so glad I have!

Dedee said...

How do you do this? You just pull me right down and I get two things to ponder today. Prayer and inside of me.

When can we do lunch?