Monday, April 27, 2009

Give, Said the Little Stream

This post just won Scribbit's May Writeaway Contest, here.

Meet the proud owner of a babbling brook. Uh-huh. Me.
We have a flowing stream running through our yard. But only about once every three years. The rest of the time it's a trench that is just wide enough and deep enough to be a curse and a hazard.

But right now? It is pure blessing. This year's spring run-off is abundant enough to overflow into our own yard. I step outside and hear clear water gurgling over small boulders. I hear a whoosh and a roar as it pours off the mountain and through our yard, out toward the lake. I stand there and just watch, listen, and wonder at the constant renewal. I try to envision its source, so far away, pouring out this blessing. The sound of rushing water is like a peace offering, a shower for the soul. I love it!

Suddenly we want to be outside, where the water laughs and invites us to join in a game of Pooh-Sticks. The dog leaps gracefully back and forth over the rushing water like some kind of supercanine hero. The plum blossoms are more fragrant, as the running water seems to carry their scent. Our sometimes unwieldy yard has shed a burden of snow and been transformed into Eden.

As has my heart. Because today I was blessed with not one stream, but two. The second was a stream of visitors. I woke this morning feeling a tiny bit abandoned, bereft, and spent. I prayed and wept, all at the same time. And the heavens answered the heaviness in my heart with a steady stream of angels. From morning to night, favorite people, the dearest of friends, stopped at my door, some unexpectedly, coaxing me out of my house and my shell, restoring my energy, reminding me that I am loved.

  • Two blog friends, back for a second visit before they wend their way home, one all the way to another country, spreading goodness in their wake.
  • An uncle, to share a bit of wisdom and a golden referral.
  • A mother, reaching out to share a common journey over an impromptu picnic.
  • Visiting teachers, gracious, benevolent and wise.
  • My children, returning from school with smiles and hugs.
  • A dear friend, at times more like a sister, calling long distance, always willing to listen, and caring enough to ask just the right questions.
  • Two travelers, kindred spirits from a former life, connect here at the same time, and meet us for dinner. The best kind of synchronicity.
  • A baby...with eyes like crystal and an expression of total purity, spreading nothing but love and joy, warms my arms.

It's not just the mountain reservoirs that are overflowing but the heavens themselves, pouring out blessings until I doubt there is any more room to receive. I knelt down and wept again. To thank Him for sending both of these beautiful streams.

And his voice was as the sound of the rushing of great waters. (D&C 110: 3)
O that thou mightest be like unto this river, continually running into the fountain of all righteousness! (1 Ne. 2: 9)


LisAway said...

Beautiful. I think it's amazing the effects a sound can have. I, too, LOVE the sound of rushing water.

I love the D&C scripture. How beautiful is that. I'm so glad you can hear him in both of your streams.

(as a side note, I opened this post on my Reader and thought it was from a different blog, of a girl I consider to be a really good writer, but as I got into the second paragraph it struck me, "WOW! Her writing is better than ever!" Then I realized it was you and wondered how I could not have realized that even after a few sentences! :)

val of the south said...

Isn't that a wonderful sound? We have a creek in our backyard and with the run-off, it's more like a raging river! I love to have breakfast on the back porch and listen to it.

I'm glad you had a stream of friends today. Definitely serendipity!

Anonymous said...

You have such beautiful words. Thank heavens for both your streams. I love your posts. They make me feel so full and grateful.

I wished I could have met you this weekend. Someday, huh?

breckster said...

I've always taken "living water" seriously. Hard days, while living in Utah, I would beg the roommate with a car to take a trip up Provo Canyon so we could sit on the bank of the river. I was lucky she would take me.

I'm glad you have a river of angels to bring life.

Luann said...

"Eyes like crystal". Oooo, I like that! This whole post is wonderfully written.

Finding a mountain of blessings in things as simple as a trench full of water and a phone call from a friend is a talent, and you are brimming with it.

Luisa Perkins said...

Oh, I wish I could have been part of that second stream! I do hope to meet you in person someday.

Pooh Sticks! I want to play.

Kristina P. said...

I would love a stream in our backyard. Think I could put on on our tiny balcony?

And you are so great! It was so fun to meet you, with your rootless hair. :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I noticed your little stream and tried to remember if I had seen water in it before! I feel emotionally spent today after such a great weekend of meeting people that were wonderful and visiting with family. Now it is back to the routine and my own stream fits back inside its banks. Hope to see you again soon!

Melanie Jacobson said...

Lady, that's beautiful. Isn't it funny, though, how the sound of the physical stream is almost enough sometimes? I'm so glad Heavenly Father gave us the capacity to comprehend beauty.

Jessica Stock said...

This is so well-written and thoughtful. Love the life-giving qualities of both streams, both sent to you by the Life-giver . . . so glad you are finding these living waters coming to you.

Heather of the EO said...

I could just feel your sweet heart pouring over the keyboard on this one, lady. Like a stream (:

You are so lovely.

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh honey, you were that stream for me too. Your warmth is palpable and I am so grateful for your sweetness and generousity. You are such a blessing to those lucky enough to know you!


You are so kind to stop by My blog! :-) I am so glad that I got to Meet You, and Your Sweet doggie! Heidi was fabulous. That night was fabulous, and I am so impressed with Your watercoloring talent! And Your writing........
:-) SO LOVELY. Multi-talented doesn't even begin to cover it! Thanks again-You are such a charming hostess.

heather said...

What a very literary post. So beautiful. Friends are the best.

Stephanie said...

This is a beautiful post, and a reminder that God really does move around his angels readily to just the place and time they are needed. Thanks for that.

Heidi said...

It was sooooooooo wonderful to meet you! It is soooooo wonderful to "hear" your voice as I read your posts, your real voice, not the one I imagined. I am SO grateful for your warmth, generosity and hospitality in having me to your home and treating me to that wonderful meal and putting on that incredible spread for the book group! Mostly, I am grateful for blogdania so that we can still "see" each other often. Love you!

Jennifer said...

I read about you meeting all your blog friends this past weekend, and now they truly know how wonderful and amazing you are! Love Ya!

Allison said...

Isn't it amazing what a best friend can do for one's spirits? You do the same for me. I love you.

Debbie said...

What a happy, positive post to read at the start of my day. And I love the memory of Pooh sticks.

Barbaloot said...

Sounds like a nice day. I'm may have to steal what you wrote about Visiting teachers to convince my relief society sisters to get out there and do it!!

Mrs4444 said...

Always writing in pictures, you are. Thanks for sharing today's album :)

Anonymous said...

A beautiful metaphor for a beautiful post. As a desert girl, I too love the sound of water. And I'm so glad you have a stream of friends and gratitude for the joy they bring.

An Ordinary Mom said...

Simply beautiful.

Scribbit said...

You're so lucky to have a stream so close--I was just telling Andrew that you can have your big old views on the mountain but give me water nearby and I"m happy.

Carina said...

Streams are so wonderful; both the watery kind and the peopley kind.
Lovely post!

tjhirst said...

Now that I can see the picture, it suits this post so well. I love your language, especially these two lines: "The sound of rushing water is like a peace offering, a shower for the soul." and "Our sometimes unwieldy yard has shed a burden of snow. . ." What a wonderful place to live, especially this year, I'm sure.

Miss Brecken said...

Congrats on the "Write-away" win!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the writing award from Scribbit. This post was a winner on many levels. The ending verse of Scripture was a perfect ending.

Stephanie said...

Just wanted to say congratulations. Well-deserved.