Wednesday, February 11, 2009

8 Random Things...and One Very Genuine Thank You

I almost didn’t do this meme. It came at a time when I was largely preoccupied with our oldest son and couldn’t bring myself to think about, let alone write about, anything “random”. But after a day or two I actually found it to be a welcome distraction. I was tagged by a wonderful blog friend, Jessica, whose blog was mysteriously removed the next day. [Cue Twilight Zone soundtrack.] So I’m not linking to her because it will take you to a black hole. Or some other void. But not her wonderful blog. Until they find it again. (p.s. After I wrote this, I saw she's back up, so you can now find her here.)

Before I begin, I need to send you my warmest and most sincere thanks for all the hopeful, insightful comments on Monday’s post. I honestly felt carried by all of your prayers. Such power. Thank you. (Which sounds very thin and weak compared to how I actually feel. But they are all the words I have.)

And now on to shallower things...but things that kept me going nonetheless...

I am time challenged. I live in utter oblivion to the clock and the passage of time. This allows me to work on my paintings and projects for hours on end, and makes simple things like getting the children off to school on time a near impossibility. It takes Herculean strength and superhuman determination for me to get to one event on time. Which is an exhausting way to live, day in and day out. My only comfort is a knowledge that there is no time as we know it in the eternities. So when (if?) I get to heaven, I’ll fit right in. And the rest of you will be nervously checking your non-existent watches. :)

I think pantyhose and high heels were created by evil misogynists in a subtle effort to torture women. I think Spandex and Lycra were invented as kindly compensations for such cruelty.

I am a true moderate. Which means that my liberal artist/activist friends probably think I’m too conservative, while my church and neighborhood friends likely view me as a liberal. I, of course, am mostly right. :) And will doggedly continue to challenge both sides.

I am not interested in being blog famous...or any other kind of famous, for that matter. I am mostly interested (in any arena) in sharing insights, building relationships, and striving for excellence in my little corner of the universe.

Fresh cilantro is a food of the Gods. The purpose of its existence here on earth is to sprinkle on ordinary earth food to give us an inkling of what heaven tastes like. Ditto fresh basil and fresh rosemary. In that order.

I am a closet nerd. Or maybe an all-out public one. I love word games like Boggle and Scrabble. And I win. To the point that no one will play with me any more. So I play online, late at night, when the house is quiet.

I am so tired I fell asleep at a stop light today. All the way to sleep. Like I woke up and all the cars ahead of me were long gone. Scary!

Jeff’s web series is also airing on YouTube now. I don’t know about you, but I had a hard time loading the one from the other link. So try the YouTube version. It loads a lot faster and plays a lot cleaner. And then of course vote that you "digg it" or leave a comment, or...

And thank you again for all the comments, emails, and prayers the past few days. They mean the world to me...and then some. Please continue.


LisAway said...

Mmmm, cilantro. I miss Boggle! I used to be quite good at it, but now if I try to play it I CAN'T FIND ANY WORDS. I blame it on having lived away from English speakers for so long. It's a very lame excuse, I know.

My husband cannot stand heels so I haven't worn them in 11 years.

And it's kind of funny because you sort of are blog famous in a way. People who read your blog totally look up to you, but it's not because you have so many followers. I guess it's something about the excellence in your little corner of the universe. :)

Unknown said...

I hate when I get so good at a game that my family won't play with me anymore!

Must be your neighborhood, but I almost fall asleep every time we are driving home from cello lessons. It also could be that I have worked all day with special ed kids...

And I am happy to say I knew just about each of these things about you already.

You are the best. And just because you thanked all of us for the prayers and warm thoughts, don't think we are stopping.

Karen Mello Burton said...

That was me in the previous comment. Scary that I don't know who Jonny even is...

Kristina P. said...

Cliantro, blech! I ordered a salad from Cafe Rio the other day, and said no cilantro.

And I am a moderate too! Probably slightly more liberal.

Melanie Jacobson said...

Oh, I'm a hard core out of the closet nerd. When I come to Utah in April, can we play Boggle? Please, please, please?

Heather of the EO said...

I will kick your patootie at Boggle when we meet. Or at least I will try. No one will play with me either.

I love you more and more all the time.

But stop sleeping while driving, it stresses me out.

And I'm laughing hysterically that Jonny is Kazzy and she doesn't know who Jonny is... I can't stop...

And if anyone else reads this comment, please GO CLICK on Jessica's site--the one that tagged Charrette. She's amazing.

Heidi said...

I adore basil and rosemary but I don't think I have ever tried cilantro. I suppose I ought to, huh? I mean, I live in California and am surrounded by Mexican food . . .

Jessica Stock said...

I LOVE these! And I am time-challenged too! I love that we'll be enjoying a timeless eternity while everyone else nervously checks their nonexistent watches! That's hilarious!! Thanks for doing this, it's so fun to learn more about you!

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Amen to all of those...such kindred spirits us two.

Off to finish my last game of Wordscraper on Facebook (hee hee).

Little GrumpyAngel said...

I am glad you did this "random" post. I enjoyed learning more about you and pleased that we share a lot of things. I am a also closet nerd in a lot of ways. And I am a independtly moderate in politics, a little left of right and a little right of left. And one of the reasons I love living in California is that pantyhose is NOT required in offices and in church :-)

Brillig said...

Oh, puh-LEEEZE. You're a liberal heathen. Face it.


(okay, maybe I just like to SAY that about you so that *I* don't feel so alone.)

And, um, you're already blog-famous. WHoops.

YOU FELL ASLEEP AT A STOP LIGHT!!!??? Oh my gosh, darlin'. That's seriously scary!

And I've been watching Jeff's project. Very cool stuff!!

Scribbit said...

Just chopped a bunch of cilantro tonight in fact! Thinking of you :)

Melissa said...

I love cilantro, too! And my favorite game is Balderdash, because I always win :)

Mrs4444 said...

I just finished watching Jeff's Jer3miah series--it's terrific! I look forward to more :)