Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Stage Dive...or NOT.

Over the weekend, our oldest son went to see a rock band called Rev Theory. This is his description of what happened at the concert (in his very own teenspeak):

During the first song that Rev Theory played, a real cool bro thought that it would be totally phresh to jump onto the stage, do a rockin’ dance move, and jump into the audience (stage dive). Unfortunately for him, there weren’t enough people to really catch him. Actually, when he was mid-flight, too late to change anything, everyone just moved out of the way. The guy probably weighed 200+ lbs, so smart decision. He ended up landing right on the floor, instead of on the (adoring?) crowd (the first song they played was ‘Falling Down’, which I thought was pleasantly ironic). No one even attempted to catch that guy. Crowd surf fail.

So, in the style of Curious George... oh, what happened!

First this....

And then this.... (sans the water)


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Luann said...

The poor guy. I am positive that is exactly what would happened to me if I ever tried a stage dive. Attempting something like this is best left to the crowd savvy and cool. I'm not enough of either. :)

Luisa Perkins said...

Oh, those aren't real fans. How very disappointing that people didn't rush to catch him.

Karen Mello Burton said...

This is exactly why I never stage dive when I go to concerts! Poor guy.

Debbie said...

Scary. I'm glad your son didn't try it!

Kristina P. said...

I'm sorry, but this made me laugh.

Heidi said...

Great visuals! You say that guy was 200 pounds? Sounds like he had too much to drink. Sounds like he felt the way I always did in elementary school when choosing sides for baseball (or anything)--it's like the great seas would part.

Heather of the EO said...

Now THAT would HURT. (I mean if they would have caught him)

Kimberly Vanderhorst said...

Oh no! That is so, so sad!

Mrs4444 said...

I had no idea Pavarotti was a swimmer!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is your son's description of the whole thing. Hilarious (and sad, too, of course. . .). Is it okay to say this is funny? Because it takes a bit of overconfidence to jump into a crowd just expecting them to catch you, don't you think?

Allison Elkington said...

don't mind me laughing out loud. :)

Dedee said...

That's hilarious. Stage diving seems to me to be setting yourself up for disaster, and the irony of the song makes it even better!

Tammy Lorna said...

No Bushfires are affecting us at the moment - we're lucky. They're having a terrible time of it down in Melbourne, but that's a good 3-4 hour plane ride from Brisbane, so it's not affecting us up here. We've got some terrible flooding up in QLD at the moment, but again, it's not near Brisbane, but up north (a good 2-3 day drive from here). It's a big country!

Thanks for checking in on us :)

xo Tammy

Tammy Lorna said...

I just checked the news online, it's Sunday here, so I hadn't kept up with it today. I hadn't realized how bad it is down in there! The death toll is at 76. It's horrible. Those are the worst fires we've ever had - and we're very familiar with terrible bush fires here. I'll have to keep them all in my prayers over the next few weeks.

xo Tammy

Little GrumpyAngel said...

The teen-speak made me smile. It sounds like what I hear at home. I feel bad for the stage diver, honest. BUT if I was in the crowd and a 200 pound guy started to stage dive over me, I'm getting out of the way:-)

Brillig said...

HAHAHAHA. That's hilarious. And his "teenspeak" is awesome. It makes me realize how so NOT cool I am.